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League of Legends Wiki
Irelia MythmakerSkin TFT
Irelia (Universe)Irelia (Universe)
Irelia (League of Legends)Irelia (League of Legends)
Irelia (Esports)Irelia (Esports)
Irelia (Teamfight Tactics)Irelia (Teamfight Tactics)
Irelia (Legends of Runeterra)Irelia (Legends of Runeterra)
Irelia (Wild Rift)Irelia (Wild Rift)
Irelia (Development)Irelia (Development)
Irelia (Trivia)Irelia (Trivia)


Storyweaver Storyweaver
Galio MythmakerTFTSquare
Garen MythmakerTFTSquare
Irelia MythmakerTFTSquare
Riven ValiantSwordTFTSquare
Sivir MythmakerTFTSquare
Zoe MythmakerTFTSquare
Zyra MythmakerTFTSquare
Storyweaver Emblem TFT item
Duelist Duelist
Darius SpiritBlossomTFTSquare
Irelia MythmakerTFTSquare
Lee Sin HeavenscaleTFTSquare
Qiyana LunarEmpressTFTSquare
Tristana FirecrackerTFTSquare
Volibear InkshadowTFTSquare
Yasuo SpiritBlossomTFTSquare
Duelist Emblem TFT item



Ionia Ionia
Ahri OriginalTFTSquare
Irelia OriginalTFTSquare
Jhin OriginalTFTSquare
Karma OriginalTFTSquare
Sett OriginalTFTSquare
Shen OriginalTFTSquare
Yasuo OriginalTFTSquare
Zed OriginalTFTSquare
Ionia Emblem TFT item
Challenger Challenger
Irelia OriginalTFTSquare
Kai'Sa OriginalSquare
Kalista OriginalSquare
Samira OriginalTFTSquare
Warwick OriginalTFTSquare
Yasuo OriginalTFTSquare
Challenger Emblem TFT item



Scrap Scrap
Blitzcrank OriginalSquare
Ekko OriginalSquare
Ezreal OriginalSquare
Irelia AviatorSquare
Jinx OriginalSquare
Ziggs OriginalSquare
Scrap Emblem TFT item
Striker Striker
Gnar GentlemanSquare
Irelia AviatorSquare
Jarvan IV HextechTFTSquare
Rek'Sai OriginalSquare
Sivir VictoriousSquare
Striker Emblem TFT item



Sentinel Sentinel
Akshan OriginalTFTSquare
Galio DragonGuardianSquare
Irelia SentinelSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Olaf SentinelSquare
Pyke SentinelSquare
Rakan iGSquare
Senna OriginalSquare
Sentinel Emblem TFT item old
Skirmisher Skirmisher
Irelia SentinelSquare
Jax WardenSquare
Kennen InfernalSquare
Lee Sin NightbringerSquare
Nidalee DawnbringerSquare
Olaf SentinelSquare
Udyr DragonOracleTFTSquare
Viego OriginalTFTSquare
Skirmisher Emblem TFT item
Legionnaire Legionnaire
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Draven RuinedSquare
Irelia SentinelSquare
Kalista OriginalTFTSquare
Kayle ViridianSquare
Riven DawnbringerSquare
Yasuo NightbringerTFTSquare
Legionnaire Emblem TFT item



Enlightened Enlightened
Fiora SoaringSwordSquare
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Janna SacredSwordSquare
Morgana MajesticEmpressSquare
Talon EnduringSwordSquare
Divine Divine
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Kayle TranscendedSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Sword of the Divine TFT item
Adept Adept
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Shen OriginalSquare
Yone OriginalSquare



Enlightened Enlightened
Fiora SoaringSwordSquare
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Janna SacredSwordSquare
Morgana MajesticEmpressSquare
Nami SplendidStaffSquare
Talon EnduringSwordSquare
Divine Divine
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Lee Sin GodFistSquare
Lux LunarEmpressSquare
Warwick LunarGuardianSquare
Wukong RadiantSquare
Sword of the Divine TFT item
Adept Adept
Irelia DivineSwordSquare
Shen OriginalSquare
Yone OriginalSquare



Cybernetic Cybernetic
Ekko PROJECTSquare
Fiora PROJECTSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Leona PROJECTSquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare
Vayne PROJECTSquare
Blademaster Blademaster
Fiora PROJECTSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Master Yi ChosenSquare
Riven PulsefireSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Xayah CosmicDuskSquare
Yasuo OdysseySquare
Blade of the Ruined King TFT item
Mana-Reaver Mana-Reaver
Darius DreadnovaSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare



Cybernetic Cybernetic
Ekko PROJECTSquare
Fiora PROJECTSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Leona PROJECTSquare
Lucian PROJECTSquare
Blademaster Blademaster
Fiora PROJECTSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Kayle AetherWingSquare
Master Yi ChosenSquare
Shen PulsefireSquare
Xayah CosmicDuskSquare
Yasuo OdysseySquare
Blade of the Ruined King TFT item
Mana-Reaver Mana-Reaver
Darius DreadnovaSquare
Irelia PROJECTSquare
Kassadin CosmicReaverSquare
Thresh PulsefireSquare


Patch History[]

  • Ability AD ratio increased to 190% AD from 185% AD.
  • Ability base damage increased to 75 / 100 / 550 from 60 / 90 / 550.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 70 from 80.
  • Maximum mana increased to 40 from 30.
  • Ability base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 550 from 75 / 100 / 600.
  • Bug Fix: Ability no longer targets untargetable units.
V12.5 - March 23rd Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: No longer locked out of gaining mana when crowd controlled during her ability's recast animation.
V12.5 - March 8th Hotfix
  • Base attack damage reduced to 80 from 85.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 85 from 90.
V12.4 - February 22nd Hotfix
  • Base attack speed reduced to 0.8 from 0.85.
  • Ability base damage reduced to 75 / 100 / 500 from 90 / 135 / 600.
V12.4 - Returning
  • Aviator Irelia Aviator Irelia
    • Tier 4 Scrap Scrap Striker Striker.
    • Bladesurge Active - Bladesurge: Dashes to her target, striking them for 90 / 135 / 600 (× Ability power icon AP) (+ 185% AD) physical damage. If she kills the target, she Bladesurges again to the enemy with the lowest health.
V11.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 6.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 65.
  • Ability base damage reduction reduced to 30 / 40 / 50% from 40 / 50 / 60%.
V11.15 - July 28th Hotfix
  • Base attack damage reduced to 65 from 70.
  • Ability maximum damage reduction reduced to 80% from 90%.
V11.15 - Returning
  • Sentinel Irelia Sentinel Irelia
    • Tier 2 Sentinel Sentinel Legionnaire Legionnaire Skirmisher Skirmisher.
    • Defiant Dance Active - Defiant Dance: Surrounds herself with blades for 4 seconds and reducing incoming damage by 40 / 50 / 60%, increasing by 10% each time she attacks, up to 90%. When the effect ends she strikes her target, dealing 250 / 400 / 650 (× Ability power icon AP) magic damage.
V11.9 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 5.
  • Ability disarm duration increased to 2.5 / 3 / 5 seconds from 2.5 / 3 / 4.
  • Ability damage increased to 200 / 300 / 700 from 200 / 300 / 550.
  • Ability disarm duration increased to 2.5 / 3 / 4 seconds from 2.5 / 3 / 3.5.
V11.2 - Returning
  • Ability damage reduced to 200 / 300 / 550 from 200 / 300 / 600.
V10.19 - Returning
  • Base health increased to 900 from 800.
  • Base attack damage increased to 85 from 70.
  • Base armor increased to 50 from 35.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 40 from 20.
  • Ability AD ratio increased to 225 / 250 / 500% AD from 175 / 250 / 500% AD.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Returning with the Set 3 mid-set update with no changes.
V10.6 - Added
  • PROJECT: Irelia PROJECT: Irelia
    • Tier 4 Cybernetic Cybernetic Blademaster Blademaster Mana-Reaver Mana-Reaver.
    • Bladesurge Active - Bladesurge: Dashes past her target in 3-hex range, basic attacking them for 175 / 250 / 500% AD physical damage. If this kills the target, she casts again immediately at the enemy with the highest mana.