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League of Legends Wiki


Twisted Fate OriginalSkin
Original Twisted Fate View in 3D
585 RP 585 / 21-Feb-2009
Twisted Fate JackofHeartsSkin
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 10-Feb-2010
Twisted Fate TangoSkin
Tango Twisted Fate View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 05-Oct-2010
Twisted Fate HighNoonSkin
High Noon Twisted Fate View in 3D
975 RP 975 / 17-May-2011
Twisted Fate MusketeerSkin
Musketeer Twisted Fate View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 21-Nov-2011
Twisted Fate CutpurseSkin
Cutpurse Twisted Fate View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 21-Jul-2015
Twisted Fate BloodMoonSkin
Blood Moon Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 09-Feb-2017
Twisted Fate PulsefireSkin
Pulsefire Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 17-May-2018
Twisted Fate OdysseySkin
Odyssey Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 15-Oct-2020
Twisted Fate CrimeCityNightmareSkin
Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 26-Aug-2021
Twisted Fate SpaceGrooveSkin
Space Groove Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 17-Nov-2022
Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate Chromas
Odyssey Twisted Fate Chromas
Pulsefire Twisted Fate Chromas
Space Groove Twisted Fate Chromas

Legacy Vault

Twisted Fate TheMagnificentSkin
The Magnificent Twisted Fate View in 3D
1820 RP 1820 / 17-May-2010
Twisted Fate UnderworldSkin
Underworld Twisted Fate View in 3D
975 RP 975 / 26-Oct-2012
Twisted Fate RedCardSkin
Red Card Twisted Fate View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 18-Jun-2014
Twisted Fate DWGSkin
DWG Twisted Fate View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 29-Apr-2021
DWG Twisted Fate Chromas

Rare & Limited

Twisted Fate PAXSkin
PAX Twisted Fate View in 3D
Special RP Special / 03-Sep-2009



Is This Your Card?
Champions stunned with the Gold Card from Pick a Card (W)
The River
Champions hit with Wild Cards (Q) at greater that 75% of max range
Timely Arrivals
Champions killed within 5s of teleporting with Destiny (R)

A Fine Spread
Multiple champions hit with Wild Cards (Q)
Ace Up Your Sleeve
Champions hit with Pick a Card (W) and Stacked Deck (EP) damage in the same Attack
Slick Dealin'
Magic damage to champions with Stacked Deck (E)


Original Twisted Fate Original Twisted Fate
  • He may also be referencing Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI.
  • Bilgewater can be seen in the background.
  • His very first splash art very first splash art was directly tweaked for the first splash art of his PAX PAX skin.
PAX Twisted Fate PAX Twisted Fate
  • As a promotional or event limited skin, he was given away at gaming conventions and events and has not, is not and will never be available for purchase in the store.[1]
    • He could only be unlocked by a code given out at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) 2009.
      • He is notorious for being one of the rarest skins.
  • He has the PAX logo on his shoulders, hat, and belt while his cards become Tarot cards.
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
The Magnificent Twisted Fate The Magnificent Twisted Fate
  • He has a Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex hanging from his belt.
  • He references stage magicians.
    • "The Magnificent" is a common title of their's for their performances.
High Noon Twisted Fate High Noon Twisted Fate
  • Before his biography update, "Tobias Felix" was his full name only in the High Noon universe.
  • He has a bounty of $$7,000,000 as revealed in High Noon Jhin's High Noon Jhin's Recall Recall animation.
  • A wanted poster of himself can be seen in the first version first version of his splash art.
Tango Twisted Fate Tango Twisted Fate
  • His old Chinese artwork Chinese artwork has the spotlight focused on Twisted Fate.
Musketeer Twisted Fate Musketeer Twisted Fate
Underworld Twisted Fate Underworld Twisted Fate
Red Card Twisted Fate Red Card Twisted Fate
Cutpurse Twisted Fate Cutpurse Twisted Fate
  • This is him and Graves Graves in their early hustling days after they struck their partnership.
  • His animations had to be altered to accommodate his lack of a hat since it's the first time he doesn't wear one.
  • Rejected names for this skin include 'Seadog Twisted Fate', 'Reckless Twisted Fate', 'Reckless Fate', 'Wanted Twisted Fate' and 'Wanted Fate'.[2]
Blood Moon Twisted Fate Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • The mask he is wearing references the ones used in Japanese Noh theater.
Pulsefire Twisted Fate Pulsefire Twisted Fate
Chromaskins Chromas: Chrono
  • Pulsefire Riven Pulsefire Riven can be seen in the background of his splash art, chasing him.
  • Pulsefire Riven Pulsefire Riven and Pulsefire Twisted Fate Pulsefire Twisted Fate can be seen in the background of Pulsefire Shen Pulsefire Shen splash art, teleporting towards him.
  • In Wild Rift, his preview starts on a background before entering a portal, changing the background to the Pulsefire one. However, checking his poses and then returning to the skin selection, will cause the background to revert to the initial one. This is likely a bug.
Odyssey Twisted Fate Odyssey Twisted Fate
Chromaskins Chromas: Aquamarine, Catseye, Emerald, Merc, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise
  • Odyssey Sivir Odyssey Sivir can be seen in the background of his splash art.
    • Twisted Fate can be seen holding a container with a Astronaut Bard Astronaut Bard alien meep.
DWG Twisted Fate DWG Twisted Fate
Chromaskins Chromas: Elite
Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Underground
Space Groove Twisted Fate Space Groove Twisted Fate
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Rainbow, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise

