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League of Legends Wiki

Previous Lore

"More men have voluntarily surrendered to the care of Miss Fortune Miss Fortune than any other bounty hunter." - Grinnick Torip, Bilgewater Bonds
Miss Fortune Render old

For those who brave the harsh seas of Runeterra, attaining one's own ship and crew is the pinnacle of success.

Sarah Fortune, a well-respected (some would say legendary) bounty hunter from Bilgewater, was able to achieve this feat just after her sixteenth birthday, etching out her name as the go-to gal for resolving special troubles. No bounty was too difficult or too dangerous for her feminine charm charm and her renowned use of her twin pistols pistols, 'Shock' and 'Awe'. Her success gave her the means to legitimately purchase her own ship - with a little flirtatious haggling, of course.

Things weren't always so fortunate for Miss Fortune, though. When she was young, trade ships began to dot the horizon of her quiet home along the northern shores of the Blue Flame Islands' largest chunk. Trade routes brought piracy, and the inhabitants soon found themselves caught in a frenzy of pillage. One day, young Sarah returned home to hear gunshots and screaming. Her front door was smashed open; inside, she saw her mother lying in a pool of blood. A sudden blow to her head made her collapse next to her slain mother. The last thing she could remember were her attacker's red eyes, as his face was blocked by a rogue's bandanna.

Miss Fortune has a strong distrust for pirates and she finds herself constantly bickering with the infamous Gangplank Gangplank (the only captain to resist her charms) over the direction of Bilgewater politics. Her two goals: to unite the people of Bilgewater, making them into a strong and independent society, and to find the pirate who killed her mother. To that end, she has entered the League of Legends as a champion, trading her skills for the wealth and influence that will help her accomplish both.

  • 31 August, 20 CLE

Miss Fortune spills into the Great Hallway with the same tenacity that she spills into her silk blouse, both taxed to contain her. She is cramped inside any structure not bobbing across the salt ocean. Her eyes pan across the recessed ceiling's filigree with disdain, the toil of Valoran's finest artisans a pitiful substitute for the night sky's celestial collage. The disapproving shake of her head would be imperceptible, if not exaggerated by the wag of her ornamented tricorne, the defining accessory of a captain. An avalanche of cherry locks tumbles from the hat, engulfing her shoulders in scarlet waves. Her every feature seduces attention, a weapon as - or perhaps more - potent than the enormous gilded muskets muskets clinging to her hips.

She bounds bounds across the tiles. The impact of every footfall ripples up the curves of her figure; the distraction of her beauty magnified in motion. One can practically see the hearts of those who've beheld her trailing in her wake.

An inscription looms overhead: The truest opponent lies within.

The corner of her lips twitch, almost a smile. With uncanny grace, she plucks a musket from its holster, twirls it once round her finger and brings it to rest with the word 'opponent' in its crosshair. Her lips mouth a silent pop, and the firearm is re-holstered. She dawdles no longer.


Hands on her hips, Miss Fortune tapped her foot impatiently in the dark. This was a juvenile tactic. If the League resorted to gimmicks like black smoke for its trials, perhaps she never should have made landfall. Her foot sank mid-thought. She intended to recoil, but a familiar sensation pressed her on all sides.

She didn't hear herself cry, but she watched bubbles carry the sound away. Water? She flailed, her limbs searching for something solid. Yards above, she saw the surface's dancing prism of light. She paddled furiously, but the light remained distant - something was wrong. More bubbles. The skin of her leg crawled, begging attention. Precious air waning, she risked a glance and found the problem. Rooted seaweed clutched her ankle tightly, apparently aware of its catch. She tore at it, but its slimy grip would not relent. Out of time, Sarah Fortune watched the last bubbles drift merrily upward, growing smaller and smaller, until salt stung her lungs. She felt strangely peaceful when her vision faded.

I'm on my way, Mom.

Sarah's sides wrenched in misery. A torrent poured from her mouth. Expecting entrails, she pried her eyes open. She grasped for focus; the escaping deluge lacked the visceral color she'd expected. Blurry vines framing her field of vision coalesced into defeated strands of hair, dangling limply around her face. Her hands dug into the sand. Her mind filled the gaps: she was kneeling on the beach and the puddle in front of her consisted of frothy seawater, as opposed to innards. Her lungs, battling her stomach, forced an inhale before the next heave.

"A sure ugly sight ye be fer a young wench. Thought yeh might be shark bait fer a turn."

A sputter of briny droplets was the best retort Sarah could articulate. Her eyes locked on the source, a garish boy, and she fell backward. His onyx hair and leering grin were unmistakable, but he was too young.

"How... "

"Ye be a lucky one. I was huntin' fer mermaids mermaids. Fancy me letdown when I spied yer kickers."

Her breath found rhythm. "They don't disappoint many."

"They got some shape to be sure, but I seen better."

Sarah stumbled to her feet, wet clothes matted to her body. "There are none better."

The boy chortled. "So what be the reward fer fishin ye from the drink?"


"A fine thanks I'll wager, but no reward I assure ye." He pointed at her head. "How bout 'at?"

She touched her hair, and her fingers grasped a smooth object. She extracted a pearlescent comb, fashioned from a conch. Mother's comb? She examined it dubiously; an epiphany clawed at the back of her mind. She opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the boy closed the distance and stole a lingering kiss. Her nagging subconscious burst, realization surging forth.

This beach, this boy... the day her mother died.

She'd wandered from her house, drenched in her mother's blood. Wading into the surf, she was vaguely aware of the crimson wisps stretching from her garments. She dipped below the surface and screamed, attempting to shock her mind back to rationality. Beneath the waves, her tears either joined or comprised the ocean around her, she couldn't tell.

That day, the boy was waiting on the banks. Under other circumstances, she'd have wondered how long he had been there; she may have even blushed. But she only stared, too exhausted to ponder his presence. His mouth moved, but her ears denied the sound. Then he joined her amongst the waves and kissed her, a confounding loop added to the dizzying course of her emotions.

He pulled away with her mother's comb in hand, cackling. One day he'd make a ruthless pirate pirate. Prize in tow, he sauntered off, jack boots stamping the sand. He turned once, comb held high, and bellowed, "Come an' get it!" He then laughed, disappearing beneath black sails which dotted the distant shoreline.

Strangely inspired, Sarah welled with new found purpose. Once she'd buried her mother, and burned her house to the ground, she would enjoy getting her comb back.

As the memory receded, Miss Fortune jerked away from the boy's embrace.

"Who are you?!"

"Why do you want to join the League, Miss Fortune?" The seadog timbre was gone.


"Why do you want to join the League?"

"I... for power and plunder." She doubted her own words.

"Why do you want to join the League?" Frost bit every syllable.

Crashing waves filled the silence.

"I need to find him."

"How does it feel, exposing your mind?"

Miss Fortune let his inquiry hang in the air. Drowned and drained, questions brimming, she felt somehow revitalized.

"Thank you."

Light filled her view, and the hallway beckoned. The marble doors behind her offered retreat. She laughed at the thought. No matter what, Miss Fortune always gets her man.

Previous Abilities


Strut old

Miss Fortune gains 25 bonus movement speed if she has not taken damage in the last 5 seconds (excluding damage over time) increasing by 8 each second up to a maximum of 70 bonus movement speed.

  • No additional details.

Double Up

Double Up old

Active: Miss Fortune fires a shot at the target enemy, which then bounces to hit another unit behind it, dealing physical damage to the primary target and increased physical damage to the secondary one (applies on-hit effects to both)

「 Primary Target Physical Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 85% AD) (+ 35% AP) 」「 Secondary Target Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 100% AD) (+ 50% AP) 」

Double Up's second shot prioritizes units directly behind the primary target, especially enemy champions affected by Impure Shots Impure Shots. If the primary target is killed, the second hit Template:Cctip for 150% base critical strike damage.

  • No additional details.

Impure Shots

Impure Shots old

Passive: Miss Fortune's basic attacks deal 6% AD bonus magic damage, stacking up to Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted. times per target for a maximum Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted.% AD bonus magic damage.

Active: Miss Fortune gains bonus attack speed for 6 seconds and brings Strut Strut to full power.

  • Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%

  • No additional details.

Make it Rain

Active: After a 0.5 seconds delay, Miss Fortune rains down hundreds of bullets onto the target area for 2 seconds, Template:Cctip and dealing magic damage every 0.25 seconds to units within.

「 Magic Damage Per Tick: 11.25 / 18.125 / 25 / 31.875 / 38.75 (+ 10% AP) 」「 Maximum Magic Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 (+ 80% AP) 」

  • Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%

  • No additional details.

Bullet Time

Bullet Time old

Passive: Ranking up Bullet Time increases Impure Shots' Impure Shots' maximum stacks.

「 Bonus Impure Shots Impure Shots Stacks: 1 / 2 / 3 」「 Total Impure Shots Impure Shots Stacks: 6 / 7 / 8 」

Active: Miss Fortune channels for 2 seconds, firing up to 8 waves of bullets in the target direction over the duration, each dealing physical damage and applying Impure Shots Impure Shots to all affected enemies.

「 Physical Damage Per Wave: 50 / 75 / 125 (+ 10 / 17.5 / 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) 」「 Total Physical Damage: 400 / 600 / 1000 (+ 80 / 140 / 200% bonus AD) (+ 160% AP) 」

「 Minimum Impure Shots Impure Shots Magic Damage: 198 / 210 / 216% AD 」「 Maximum Impure Shots Impure Shots Magic Damage: 288 / 336 / 384% AD 」

  • No additional details.

Previous Splash Art

Patch History

  • Arcade Miss Fortune Arcade Miss Fortune
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where she was playing the wrong critical strike hit sound-effect.
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Base damage increased to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80.
    • AD ratio increased to 100% AD from 85% AD.
    • New Effect: Cast range now adjusts based on Miss Fortune's attack range (ex. Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon).
    • New Effect: No longer briefly pauses after casting Double Up.
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • New Effect: No longer briefly pauses after casting Make it Rain.
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Second shot base damage reduced to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.
    • Second shot AD ratio reduced to 85% AD from 100% AD.
    • Second shot AP ratio reduced to 35% AP from 50% AP.
    • Removed: Second shot dealing 50% increased damage if the first one kills its target.
    • New Effect: The second shot can now Template:Cctip, dealing 100% increased damage, based on critical strike chance.
    • New Effect: If the second shot is a Template:Cctip, its bonus damage scales with bonus critical damage.
    • New Effect: The second shot, after the first successfully kills its target, is a guaranteed Template:Cctip.
  • Love Tap Love Tap
    • Removed: Reduced damage to turrets.
    • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Miss Fortune's next basic attack would sometimes not activate Love Tap after casting Double Up Double Up (particularly at higher attack speeds).
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Bug Fix: Pool Party Miss Fortune's Make It Rain no longer causes coconuts to visually hit people from weird directions in certain situations.
  • General
    • Bug Fix: Pool Party Miss Fortune's level number no longer drifts out of the side of her health bar.
  • Strut Strut
    • Bonus attack speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3
    • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds from 8
      • Cooldown timer changed to on-cast from on buff expiration
    • Removed: Love Tap Love Tap extending the duration
    • New Effect: While on cooldown applying Love Tap Love Tap reduces the timer by 2 - 1.1 seconds
  • Love Tap Love Tap
    • Bonus damage reduced to 50 - 100% AD from 60 - 100% AD
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 from 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310
  • Strut Strut
    • Bonus attack speed reduced to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100% from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Slow reduced to 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
  • Stats
    • Health reduced to 530 from 577.8
  • Strut Strut
    • Bonus attack speed reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120
  • Stats
    • Attack damage reduced to 46 from 49.54
    • Attack damage growth reduced to 1 from 3
    • Attack speed growth reduced to 3% from 3.1
    • Mana increased to 325.84 from 275.84
    • Mana growth reduced to 35 from 38
  • Love Tap Love Tap - New I
    • Miss Fortune's basic attacks deal 60 - 100% AD (based on level, up to 11) bonus damage (50% versus minions and structures) and mark her target. Marked targets are immune to the bonus damage but hitting a new target will transfer the mark. Switching between two targets will allow to continually trigger the bonus damage on each.
    • Double Up Double Up will also apply the mark (Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane's Wind's Fury will not)
    • The bonus damage applies life steal
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Removed: On-kill bonus bounce damage being classified as a critical strike
    • On-kill bonus bounce damage reduced to 50% from 150
    • Secondary target selection priority updated to accommodate Impure Shots Impure Shots's removal (second shot will bounce to targets marked with Love Tap Love Tap)
  • Strut Strut - New W
    • Removed: Stacking bonus movement speed over time
    • New Effect: After 5 seconds of not taking damage Miss Fortune passively gains 25 bonus movement speed, increased to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 after another 5 seconds.
    • New Effect: Upon activation Miss Fortune gains 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% bonus attack speed for 3 seconds and triggers Strut Strut fully-charged.
      • The bonus attack speed's duration is increased by 1 second for each Love Tap Love Tap mark applied (doubled for marked champions) but the remaining duration cannot exceed 3 seconds
    • Cost: 30
    • Cooldown: 8
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Range increased to 1000 from 800
    • Damage application changed to instant from after a 0.5 seconds delay
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Maximum duration increased to 3 seconds from 2
    • Waves increased to 12 / 14 / 16 from 8 at all ranks
    • Damage changed to 75% Total AD (+ 20% AP) from 50 / 75 / 125 (+ 10 / 17.5 / 25% Bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)
      • Maximum damage changed to 900 / 1050 / 1200% Total AD (+ 240 / 280 / 320% AP) from 400 / 600 / 1000 (+ 80 / 140 / 200% Bonus AD) (+ 160% AP)
    • New Effect: Each wave can critically strike for 「 20% bonus damage 」「 90% Total AD (+ 24% AP) 」 for a maximum 1080 / 1260 / 1440% Total AD (+ 288 / 336 / 384% AP) potential damage
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • New Effect: Has a (+ 10 / 17.5 / 25% Bonus AD) ratio
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Tooltip updated to indicate second shot critically strikes on-kill
  • General
    • Visual Update
      • New models and textures for all skins
      • New animations
      • New sound effects
  • Strut Strut
    • Removed: Falling off upon taking damage over time
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Secondary target selection priority order updated
    • New Effect: If the primary target dies the secondary one takes 50% bonus damage (marked by critical strike animation)
  • Impure Shots Impure Shots
    • Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 16
    • New Effect: Upon activation it triggers Strut Strut fully-charged
    • Removed: Grievous Wounds upon activation
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Slow changed to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65
    • Duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3 (total damage unchanged)
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Tooltip updated to indicate the bonus magic damage comes from Impure Shots Impure Shots
  • Strut Strut
    • Removed: Bonus movement speed being removed by non-damaging effects
  • Double Up Double Up
    • New Effect: Primary damage has a (+ 35% AP) ratio
    • New Effect: Secondary damage has a (+ 50% AP) ratio
  • Stats
    • Armor increased to 19 from 15
  • Strut Strut
    • New Effect: Buff icon displays bonus movement speed value
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Primary damage changed to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 85% AD) from 25 / 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 (+ 75% AD)
    • Secondary damage changed to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 100% AD) from 30 / 72 / 114 / 156 / 195 (+ 90% AD)
    • New Effect: Secondary target selection priority order:
      1. Enemy champions marked by Impure Shots Impure Shots within a 40º cone
      2. Units immediately behind primary target (to avoid presumed-targeting confusion cases)
      3. Enemy units within a 20º cone (minions and/or neutral monsters over champions)
      4. Enemy units within a 40º cone (minions and/or neutral monsters over champions)
      5. Enemy units within a 90º cone
    • Cost reduced to 43 / 46 / 49 / 52 / 55 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
    • Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds from 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
  • Impure Shots Impure Shots
    • Per-stack damage changed to 6% AD bonus magic damage from 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 (+ 5% AP)
      • Maximum damage changed to 30% AD magic damage from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 25% AP)
    • Bonus attack speed changed to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
    • Grievous Wounds duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3
    • Cost reduced to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 from 50 at all ranks
    • Cooldown reduced to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds from 16
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Tooltip updated to mention half-second delay
    • Sight radius increased to match area of effect
    • Slow increased to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% from 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52
    • Cooldown reduced to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 15 at all ranks
    • Duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 (total damage unchanged)
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • New Effect: Passively increases Impure Shots Impure Shots' maximum stacks to 6 / 7 / 8 for a maximum 36 / 42 / 48% AD potential damage
    • Per-wave damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 125 (+ 20% AP) from 65 / 95 / 125 (+ 20% AP)(+35% bonus AD)
    • New Effect: Applies Impure Shots Impure Shots' passive damage (but not its active's Grievous Wounds)
  • Impure Shots Impure Shots
    • Stacks increased to 5 from 4
    • Per-stack damage reduced to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 from 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • AD ratio reduced to (+ 35% Bonus AD) from (+ 45% Bonus AD)
    • New Effect: Targeting cone is attached to Miss Fortune
  • Stats
    • Movement speed increased to 325 from 300
  • Strut Strut
    • Out-of-combat activation time reduced to 5 seconds from 7
    • Ramp-up time to reach maximum movement speed reduced to 5 seconds from 13
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Wind-up time reduced significantly
    • Cost reduced to 100 from 150
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Range increased to match basic attack's
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Slow increased to 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52% from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
    • Cost reduced to 80 at all ranks from 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Secondary damage increased to 120% from 115
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Damage changed to physical from magic
  • Strut Strut
    • Bug Fix: Being removed by effects like Guardian Angel Guardian Angel until Miss Fortune dies and respawns
  • Strut Strut
    • New Effect: Cooldown timer
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Per-wave damage increased to 65 / 95 / 125 from 60 / 85 / 110
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Per-wave AD ratio increased to (+ 45% AD) from (+ 40% AD)
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Scaling changed to AD and AP ratios combined from the highest of the two
  • Strut Strut
    • Bug Fix: Being removed when taking damage absorbed by a shield
  • Impure Shots Impure Shots
    • Grievous Wounds duration reduced to 3 seconds from 8
  • Strut Strut
    • Bug Fix: Sometimes not showing particle while active
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Bug Fix: Occasionally scaling with AP even though AD had the the higher value
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Bug Fix: Audio timing
    • Bug Fix: Audio not playing at certain distances
  • Stats
    • Movement speed reduced to 300 from 310
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Damage reduced to 25 / 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 from 35 / 70 / 120 / 140 / 175
  • Stats
    • Basic attack projectile speed reduced to 2000 from 2250
  • Strut Strut
    • Bug Fix: Bonus movement speed slightly going above 70
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Damage reduced to 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 from 95 / 155 / 215 / 275 / 335
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Cone width reduced by ~25%
    • Bug Fix: Bullets sometimes dealing too much damage
    • Bug Fix: Tooltip calculating bonus damage with incorrect AD value (45% instead of the intended 40)
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Secondary damage reduced to 115% from 120
  • Make It Rain Make It Rain
    • Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5
  • Strut Strut
    • Maximum bonus movement speed reduced to 70 from 80
  • Double Up Double Up
    • Bounce range reduced to 500 from 575
  • Bullet Time Bullet Time
    • Range reduced to 1400 from 1500
    • Per-wave AD ratio reduced to (+ 40% AD) from (+ 45% AD)
  • Added

