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League of Legends Wiki

Range is a measurement used to determine how far an autoattack or ability can reach. Riot tends to describe that distance in a vague measurement of "units". It shares the scale of "units" with movement speed, so one point translates to one game distance unit traveled. Note that autoattack range is measured differently to ability range. Given a source unit's hitbox and a target unit's hitbox, range is calculated as follows: autoattack range from edge to edge; targeted skill range from center to center; skillshot range from edge to edge; and the range of self-centered area of effects are from the edge of the source (the larger champions don't benefit less from auras than smaller champions). The difference is approximately 100 (i.e. 550 autoattack range is roughly 650 casting range)[1][2][3]

Each champion begins the game with a particular base autoattack range. This can vary from 125 to 250 for melee units and 300 to 650 for ranged units. As of 7.11, the highest autoattack range is 750 held by Kindred Kindred with 32 marks marks, surpassing the 669 range of level 18 Tristana's Tristana's Draw a Bead Draw a Bead at 20 marks marks (675). Caitlyn Caitlyn as the highest autoattack range at level 1 with 650, surpassed by Tristana Tristana at level 16 with 655 autoattack range.

Attack Range Modifiers

The following abilities increase the champion's respective attack range, without affecting things such as Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders, Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet, Tiamat Tiamat, Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra, Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane, Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage, Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra.

Champion abilities


  • Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon increases the attack range of the champion's next attack by 35%, capped at 150 bonus range.


Range Type Modifiers

The following abilities change a champion attack classification from "Ranged" to "Melee", or vice versa. This affects things such as Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders, Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet, Tiamat Tiamat, Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra, Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane, Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage, and Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra.

Size Model Modifiers

Ranges calculated from the Range model edge of a champion's hitbox will see an increase or decrease in reach based on the champion's current size. Note that a change in range due to the champion's size is only relative to the champion's center and is not an explicitly mentioned effect (i.e. the champion's attack range stat will not increase).



Thus far, Zac Zac is the only champion with the innate quality of constantly modifying his size.

  • His maximum size is increased by his maximum health.
  • His current size fluctuates based on his current health percentage.

Size Increase

Size Reduction


While the following items do not explicitly increase the champion's attack range, they do increase the champion's size - allowing them to reach targets further away from their current location:


List of ranged champions from highest to lowest autoattack range.

Champion Range
Caitlyn Caitlyn (with Headshot Headshot 1300
Twitch Twitch (with Spray and Pray Spray and Pray 850
Kindred Kindred (with 25 marks marks) 750
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw (with rank 5 Bio-Arcane Barrage Bio-Arcane Barrage) 710
Jinx Jinx (with rank 5 Switcheroo! Switcheroo! while using Fishbones Fishbones) 700
Tristana Tristana (with Draw a Bead Draw a Bead at level 18) 669
Caitlyn Caitlyn 650
Anivia Anivia, Ashe Ashe 600
Annie Annie, Varus Varus, Zyra Zyra 575
Ahri Ahri,Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol, Brand Brand, Cassiopeia Cassiopeia, Corki Corki, Draven Draven, Elise Elise (with Human Form Human Form), Ezreal Ezreal, Heimerdinger Heimerdinger, Janna Janna, Jhin Jhin, Kalista Kalista, Kennen Kennen, Lissandra Lissandra, Lulu Lulu, Lux Lux, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, Nami Nami, Ryze Ryze, Sona Sona, Soraka Soraka, Syndra Syndra, Tristana Tristana (with Draw a Bead Draw a Bead at level 1), Twitch Twitch, Vayne Vayne, Veigar Veigar, Ziggs Ziggs, Zilean Zilean 550
Azir Azir, Jinx Jinx, Karma Karma, Kayle Kayle (with Righteous Fury Righteous Fury), LeBlanc LeBlanc, Nidalee Nidalee, Orianna Orianna, Quinn Quinn, Taliyah Taliyah, Twisted Fate Twisted FateViktor Viktor, Vel'Koz Vel'Koz, Xayah Xayah, Xerath Xerath 525
Bard Bard, Mini Gnar Mini Gnar (with Rage Gene Rage Gene at level 18), Jayce Jayce (with Transform Mercury Cannon Transform Mercury Cannon), Kindred Kindred, Kog'Maw Kog'Maw, Lucian Lucian, Malzahar Malzahar, Sivir Sivir, Swain Swain, Teemo Teemo, 500
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks 480
Ivern Ivern (with Brushmaker Brushmaker passive), Karthus Karthus, Vladimir VladimirMorgana Morgana, Thresh Thresh 450
Graves Graves 425
Mini Gnar Mini Gnar (with Rage Gene Rage Gene at level 1) 400
Urgot Urgot 350
Rakan Rakan 300

List of Melee champions.

Champion Range
Rengar Rengar (with Unseen Predator Unseen Predator) 725
Ekko Ekko (with Phase Dive Phase Dive), Poppy Poppy (with Iron Ambassador Iron Ambassador) 425
Aatrox Aatrox (with Massacre Massacre) 375
Illaoi Illaoi (with Harsh Lesson Harsh Lesson) 350
Hecarim Hecarim (with Devastating Charge Devastating Charge) 325
Wukong Wukong (with Crushing Blow Crushing Blow), 300
Leona Leona (with Shield of Daybreak Shield of Daybreak and Solar Flare Solar Flare) 275
Kled Kled (unmounted) 250
Leona Leona (with Solar Flare Solar Flare), Yorick Yorick (with Last Rites Last Rites) 225
Shyvana Shyvana (with Rank 3 Dragon's Descent Dragon's Descent) 205
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath (with Rank 3 Feast Feast at 10 stacks), Darius Darius (with Crippling Strike Crippling Strike), Kassadin Kassadin (with Nether Blade Nether Blade), Nidalee Nidalee (with Takedown Takedown) Riven Riven (with Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile), Shen Shen (with Twilight Assault Twilight Assault), Zac Zac (with Stretching Strikes Stretching Strikes) 200
Shyvana Shyvana (with Rank 2 Dragon's Descent Dragon's Descent) 190
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath (with Rank 2 Feast Feast at 10 stacks) 185
Camille Camille (with Precision Protocol Precision Protocol), Darius Darius, Fiora Fiora (with Bladework Bladework), Garen Garen, Fizz Fizz, Hecarim Hecarim, Jarvan IV Jarvan IV, Jax Jax (with Empower Empower), Kha'Zix Kha'Zix (with Evolved Taste Their Fear Taste Their Fear), Leona Leona (with Shield of Daybreak Shield of Daybreak), Mega Gnar Mega Gnar, Mordekaiser Mordekaiser, Nasus Nasus (with Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands), Nautilus Nautilus, Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, Renekton Renekton (with Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator), Sion Sion, Shyvana Shyvana (with Rank 1 Dragon's Descent Dragon's Descent), Tahm Kench Tahm Kench, Trundle Trundle, Vi Vi (with Excessive Force Excessive Force) Wukong Wukong, Xin Zhao Xin Zhao, Yasuo Yasuo, Yorick YorickZac Zac 175
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath (with Rank 1 Feast Feast at 10 stacks) 170
Aatrox Aatrox, Diana Diana, Fiora Fiora, Galio Galio, Kassadin Kassadin, Nasus Nasus (with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike), Pantheon Pantheon, Sejuani Sejuani, Taric Taric 150
Akali Akali, Alistar Alistar, Amumu Amumu, Blitzcrank Blitzcrank, Braum Braum, Camille Camille, Cho'Gath Cho'Gath, Dr Dr. Mundo, Ekko Ekko, Elise Elise (with Spider Form Spider Form), Evelynn Evelynn, Gangplank Gangplank, Gragas Gragas, Illaoi Illaoi, Irelia Irelia, Ivern Ivern, Jax Jax, Jayce Jayce (with Transform Mercury Hammer Transform Mercury Hammer), Katarina Katarina, Kayle Kayle, Kha'Zix Kha'Zix, Kled Kled (mounted), Lee Sin Lee Sin, Leona Leona, Malphite Malphite, Maokai Maokai, Master Yi Master Yi, Nasus Nasus, Nidalee Nidalee (with Aspect of the Cougar Aspect of the Cougar), Nocturne Nocturne, Nunu Nunu, Olaf Olaf, Poppy Poppy, Rammus Rammus, Renekton Renekton, Rengar Rengar, Riven Riven, Rumble Rumble, Shaco Shaco, Shen Shen, Shyvana Shyvana, Singed Singed, Skarner Skarner, Talon Talon, Tryndamere Tryndamere, Udyr UdyrVi Vi, Volibear Volibear, Warwick WarwickZed Zed 125

Targeted Abilities (Exceptions)

The following targeted abilities calculate their range like a basic attack (edge-to-edge)

See also

