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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Spotlight

Recommended Items







Playing As Shen Shen
Playing Against Shen Shen


Ability Usage
  • Ki Barrier Ki Barrier grants Shen Shen a shield that scales with bonus health for 2.5 seconds each time Shen Shen cast an ability.
    • This is greatly useful in small trades, where Shen Shen can absorb some damage while dealing damage with his abilities to his opponent.
    • Twillight Assault will only trigger Ki Barrier when the blade connects with Shen, not when the ability is activated.
  • Twilight Assault Twilight Assault is an offensive ability that doesn't deal damage itself, but grants Shen Shen bonus magic damage on his next 3 basic attacks within 8 seconds. If the ability hit an enemy champion, the ability grants even more bonus magic damage and also grants 50% bonus attack speed.
    • Versus minions and monsters, this ability grants a flat bonus on top of the bonus magic damage that the ability already grants, capped up to a certain amount.
      • This makes last-hitting very easy for Shen Shen: activate this ability, and have between 30 – 175 free bonus magic damage for your next 3 basic attacks.
    • This ability has a low cooldown and a low energy cost: if you have at least one point in Shadow Dash Shadow Dash, each enhanced basic attack restores between Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted. energy.
      • If you have enough energy to cast Twilight Assault Twilight Assault and need to restore energy, cast it and hit any enemies you find.
  • Spirit's Refuge Spirit's Refuge is a defensive ability that creates a protective zone around the Spirit Blade for 2 seconds, granting 100% dodge chance to all allies in the zone.
    • This ability is very effective against enemy champions that rely on basic attacks, such as Twitch Twitch, Vayne Vayne, or Olaf Olaf.
    • This ability may be hard to master in the beginning, but the only thing you have to do to make it useful is to cast Twilight Assault Twilight Assault just before Spirit's Refuge Spirit's Refuge. By doing this you'll bring your Spirit Blade to you and activate the protective zone around you.
  • Shadow Dash Shadow Dash is an offensive ability that makes Shen Shen dashes in the target direction dealing physical damage that scales with bonus health to all enemy champions hit and Template:Cctip them for 1.5 seconds. Passively, this ability allow Twilight Assault's Twilight Assault's and Shadow Dash's Shadow Dash's damage to restore Error: Parameter '3' is not accepted. energy.
    • This ability is a great engage tool if you manage to aim at the right direction and at the right moment.
    • If you manage to Template:Cctip an enemy champion, you will be hit by his basic attack for 1.5 seconds. To avoid the potential damage, you can cast Spirit's Refuge Spirit's Refuge on yourself to have the 100% dodge chance, if the Spirit Blade is not already on yourself, you must cast Twilight Assault Twilight Assault just before.
      • A great combo is: Q Q > W W > E E. This will grant you bonus magic damage on your next 3 basic attacks, a 100% dodge chance for 2 seconds, and a Template:Cctip enemy at your mercy.
  • Stand United Stand United is a globally range defensive ability that shields the target allied champion for 5 seconds; after a 3-second channel, Shen Shen blinks to the ally's location.
    • The base values of this ability are really high. A well casted ultimate ultimate on an allied champion requiring help can dramatically change a team fight.
    • This ability has one of the highest AP ratio in the game with (+ 130% AP). This makes AP Shen Shen a game changing champion: Stand United Stand United on near-death carries grants them a 1300 health shield.
Mastery Usage
  • Grasp of the Undying mastery 2016 Grasp of the Undying is a great keystone for Shen Shen due to its health scaling, which synergises with his buildpath. The sustain it provides is also useful as Shen doesn't have innate sustain. To top if off, Shen's trading patterns naturally include autoattacks which will proc the mastery.
Item Usage
  • Shen Shen is mostly played as a tank or an attack speed / attack damage bruiser. His kit has bonus health scaling for Ki Barrier's Ki Barrier's shield and Shadow Dash's Shadow Dash's damage, a dodging zone with Spirit's Refuge Spirit's Refuge, and a global range ultimate ultimate that allow him to blink to an allied champion while giving them a powerful shield. Due to his ultimate ultimate, Shen Shen is also a good splitpusher as he can easily join his team if a teamfight breaks out.
    • Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra and Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage are great for a bruiser Shen Shen. The former grants Shen much needed waveclear while significantly boosting his damage due to the item's health scaling. The latter provides yet another shield for Shen which combined with Ki Barrier Ki Barrier, make him even tankier.
    • Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape grants him health, armor and some magic damage while at melee range. The passive is also excellent to solve Shen's innate lack of waveclear.
    • Spirit Visage Spirit Visage, Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil, Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate and Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor are great items for Shen Shen.
    • For boots, Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads are great choices, with Boots of Swiftness Boots of Swiftness being a great alternative.
    • An item classified as an offensive item is Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade. It offers ability power, attack damage, and attack speed, all going well with Shen's Shen's kit.
    • Another great item for Shen Shen is Wit's End Wit's End. It provides Attack Speed, Magic Resist, bonus on hit magic damage and MR shred and steal. This help Shen deal more damage without sacrificing too much tankiness.
  • Shen Shen can also be played as an ability power bruiser.
    • Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment is a great choice, granting health, AP and magic penetration.
    • Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter seems like a good choice, it grants health, AP and a Template:Cctip, but although the slow applies on Twilight Assault's Twilight Assault's buffed autoattacks and his Shadow Dash Shadow Dash, it would be useless on the latter as the target would be Template:Cctip and therefore unable to move anyway.
    • An item that doesn't grant health but is still alright is the Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass, it grants armor, ability power and statis for 2.5 seconds.
    • Abyssal Scepter Abyssal Scepter grants ability power, magic resistance and aura reducing enemies' magic resistance. However, the aura is only be useful on Twilight Assault's Twilight Assault's bonus magic damage.
    • A straightforward choice would be Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap or Luden's Echo Luden's Echo.
    • An unsual choice would be the Banner of Command Banner of Command, it grants health, health regen, ability power, magic resistance, cooldown reduction and a magic resistance aura.
    • Another unsual choice would be Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth, granting attack speed, ability power, cooldown reduction and on-hit magic damage.

