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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Spotlight

Recommended Items







Playing As Udyr Udyr
  • Damage is applied to turtle shield turtle shield post-mitigation. Therefore, buying defensive items can drastically increase your survivability.
  • Udyr Udyr is one of the best junglers in the game. Taking advantage of this can give your team a large XP advantage and map control.
Playing Against Udyr Udyr
  • Udyr Udyr players will often start in the jungle and only appear to gank in lanes. Try warding key locations to keep track of his movement.
  • Once the initial shield effect has faded, Turtle Stance Turtle Stance is weak against other champions. Press the attack to force him to switch stances and prevent him from regenerating health.
  • Some Udyr Udyr players buy tank items to become very durable. If they do, focus their weaker teammates instead.


Ability Usage
  • It's essential to plan ahead which abilities you will learn with Udyr Udyr. Every ability has multiple usages and five levels. The max champion level is 18, limiting one of Udyr's Udyr's abilities to rank 3, or two to rank 4. Typically, a player would choose either Tiger Stance Tiger Stance or Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance as their main source of damage.
    • Tiger Stance Tiger Stance deals high AD burst damage and gives a strong attack speed steroid, giving great dueling and objective destroying ability.
    • Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance is useful for sustained AoE damage and is great for quickly clearing minion waves/jungle monsters.
    • Turtle Stance Turtle Stance is great at sustain due to both the shield and life steal.
    • Bear Stance Bear Stance can be used offensively to chase and stun targets, or defensively to stun a pursuer and run away.
  • Repeatedly switching Udyr's Udyr's stances is required to keep up Monkey's Agility Monkey's Agility. The activation buffs from Tiger Stance Tiger Stance, Turtle Stance Turtle Stance, Bear Stance Bear Stance and Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance persist for their full duration, even when Udyr Udyr switches the stances.
  • You can engage with Bear Stance Bear Stance to stun an enemy champion before switching stances or targets. But consider that the persistent effect has a 6 seconds cooldown for each individual target.
    • Using your stun before activating Bear Stance's Bear Stance's movement speed again can drastically help by increasing the distance to your enemy when escaping.
    • Against some champions, it's wiser to refrain from using your Bear Stance Bear Stance stun early until it's really needed (e.g. to interrupt Katarina's Katarina's Death Lotus Death Lotus), since that gives the enemy 6 seconds until they can be stunned again.
  • Udyr's Udyr's is a pure melee-focused fighter. Therefore, he is vulnerable to kiting. Try to avoid ranged harassment and crowd control. In early game phases you should coordinate with your allies to encircle targets or wait for them to initiate as Udyr Udyr usually needs to all-in at engages.
  • Udyr Udyr lack of ranged gap-closers and his low mana pool can make gank attempts quite challenging if the enemy didn't heavily overextend. As you need to get into melee range first, consider using Turtle Stance Turtle Stance before a gank to minimize damage from the enemy.
  • The classic Flash Flash + Bear Stance Bear Stance combo is the probably fastest way for ganking, as Udyr's Udyr's primary problem with ganking is reaching the enemy in time.
    • It's helpful to ask your allied laner if the enemy champion has used Flash Flash, displacements, or disengaging abilities (like ranged CC) recently to make sure you don't waste your summoner spells for a single gank attempt.
Mastery Usage
Item Usage
  • Being a pure melee champion with no ranged abilities, Udyr Udyr relies on high movement speed and defense to stay mobile and resilient. His build options are very flexible as you can mix-and-match many items with the effects of his stances.
  • While Udyr Udyr is not very item-dependent as others in the early game, mana problems can occur if overusing abilities carelessly. The need of mana and mana regeneration decreases with the game's progress, though.
  • Sheen Sheen gives small spikes of bonus damage along with mana. Consider this first if you don't need Phage's Phage's passive speed boost.
  • Glacial Shroud Glacial Shroud grants a small armor boost which would ideally build from Cloth Armor Cloth Armor if you chose it along with Health Potion Health Potions as starting option.
  • Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess is probably the strongest mana sustain for Udyr Udyr and it builds into Muramana Muramana later. He can charge it quickly by constantly switching around with stances. This also proves useful for a splitpush oriented build where you would need more mana than usual and profits from defensive mana items like Frozen Heart Frozen Heart thanks to the high mana pool.
  • If Udyr Udyr can acquire Crest of Insight Crest of Insight most of the time, you don't need to build any mana regeneration items at all. This is usually the case if your mid or top laner aren't very mana-dependant or they are building another source of mana sustain.
  • As most defensive and some offensive items also grant cooldown reduction, consider capping this first if you want to constantly use your abilities.
  • Udyr Udyr is very susceptible to crowd control and heavy slowing effects at first since he has no gap closer with range. Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads or Boots of Swiftness Boots of Swiftness have highly helpful attributes to mitigate these weaknesses. The increased movement speed is handy for easier juking of enemy abilities.
  • Turtle Stance Turtle Stance is your primary defensive skill which should be used often as possible if heavily pressured by enemy attacks. It effectively relies on armor and magic resistance to increase its endurance further.
  • For magic resistance, a simple Null-Magic Mantle Null-Magic Mantle into Spectre's Cowl Spectre's Cowl is a common early game option for Udyr Udyr.
  • If in need of an engage-type item, Righteous Glory Righteous Glory can provide some beneficial stats and a useful active for Udyr Udyr in early/ mid game stages to get in position. In conjunction with a supporter providing speed-boosting effects or abilites, Udyr's Udyr's ganking or engaging ability can be improved to a formidable degree.
  • With his good scalings, Udyr Udyr can also afford some offensive equipment. However, if you aren't that confident, always consider survivability over offensive items as a wrong build order backfires quickly if the enemy manages to lock you down. Your choice between Tiger Stance Tiger Stance and Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance can also affect the build path.
  • An early Phage Phage is generally helpful to stick to targets (as the passive grants speed on-hit) and builds into Trinity Force Trinity Force or The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver.
  • Because of his low base cooldowns, Udyr Udyr profits well from items with the Spellblade passive.
  • Tiger Stance Tiger Stance is Udyr's Udyr's primary AD focussed ability. It offers bonus damage and good attack speed by itself and becomes very dangerous when building some attack damage and armor penetration.
    • Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra gives high attack damage which allows for lethal burst to quickly eliminate high priority targets. The passive gives Tiger Stance Tiger Stance pushing power and procs life steal as well, increasing his sustainability in close-up fights immensely, even further if Spirit Visage Spirit Visage is in your possession.
    • Maw of Malmortius Maw of Malmortius is very powerful addition with multiple benefits. Not only does the passive shield increase his survival chances against magic or true damage (as true damage is counted as "spell damage" in some cases), but also increases his strength at critical health. In conjunction with Turtle Stance Turtle Stance, Udyr Udyr becomes even more a force to be reckoned with.
    • Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King grants more sustained damage, especially if the enemy tends to stack health. Its active effect grants Udyr Udyr another source of soft CC to improve his chasing, dueling or disengaging potential.
    • Some armor penetration can work wonderson Udyr Udyr, as it boosts his auto attacks and especially Tiger Stance's Tiger Stance's bonus physical damage. Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade also gives an active which temporarily buffs Udyr's Udyr's speed.
    • The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver, on the other hand, supports any AD-specialized player including himself, as his Tiger Stance Tiger Stance DoT applies the full 30% effect almost instantly.
    • Tiger Stance's Tiger Stance's own attack speed bonus synergizes exceptionally well with additional on-hit effects (Wit's End Wit's End, or Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King)
  • Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance is Udyr's Udyr's source of area of effect damage and farming power which mainly scales with attack speed. It is also the most recurring choice for a heavy tank-oriented build.
    • Wit's End Wit's End grants massive attack speed to increase the ratio of Phoenix third hits. The former's passive grants Udyr Udyr a source of pseudo-magic penetration which boosts his own magic resistance if he keeps attacking.
    • As Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance deals mainly AoE damage, combining items like Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape, Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet or Tiamat Tiamat can drastically improve Udyr's Udyr's farming and pushing power as well severely damaging clumped enemy groups.
  • As Udyr Udyr is a full-fledged melee champion with no gap closers, he is thus very vulnerable to kiting.
  • Ranged champions generally have an advantage against Udyr Udyr due to his all melee skills. Be aware of his movement speed to keep this benefit up.
  • Mercury's Treads' Mercury's Treads' Tenacity can reduce Bear Stance's Bear Stance's stun duration, making his CC less effective when ganking.
  • Against a laning Udyr Udyr, it can prove beneficial to make him waste mana by either bait engages and quick disengage or punish him depending on which stance he used. This can easily hamper his early game lane presence, which forces him to regain his lost mana by either using up his potions or recalling to make him lose some experience and farm.
  • Once he gets some of his core gear, an Udyr Udyr alternating Turtle Stance Turtle Stance and Bear Stance Bear Stance is one of the harder champions in the game to chase down. Bear Stance's Bear Stance's effect can easily make you regret chasing him if back-up arrives. It is best to provide vision before attempting to commit and kill him and being aware of the whereabouts of his teammates.
  • Disabling Udyr Udyr from attacking or switching stances can reduce his threatening power, for example Renekton Renekton has a potentially longer stun duration.
  • Champions with heavy slows or disruptive skills are efficient in keeping Udyr Udyr at bay (i.e. Nasus Nasus, Kog'Maw Kog'Maw, Alistar Alistar and Thresh Thresh).
    • Also, whoever can exceed Udyr's Udyr's own speed (champions like Hecarim Hecarim, Rammus Rammus) will be able outperform him and escape better.
    • Singed Singed is an effective counter because Udyr Udyr has a hard time reaching him without gapclosers, even with slow reduction. Just focus on movement speed and health/armor items.
  • Be aware of his primary stances and item build:
    • If he maxes Tiger Stance Tiger Stance, he will take mostly AD items and some attack speed. Counter it by boosting armor and health and know that his Q hits will do surprising damage over time, so you might lose a bunch of HP in the few next seconds.
    • If he maxes Phoenix Stance Phoenix Stance, he usually goes for attack speed, tank and on-hit items, and most of his damage will be magic. You can switch to AS reduction such as Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen or Frozen Heart Frozen Heart.

