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League of Legends Wiki

Rulebladeraysawa Rulebladeraysawa 23 May 2013

Can we try to predict bans for All-Star?

In my opinion:

Global bans/picks (in general, they are still "imba" and/or can be picked or banned in any situations):

- Twisted Fate (i believe he still didn't get the giant nerfs in the patch they will play)

- Thresh

- Zac

- Caitlyn (also not nerfed yet, i think)

NA vs China

NA will ban:

- Twisted Fate (Misaya)

- Jarvan IV (PDD)

Possibly: Sona (Xiao), Hecarim (Troll) or Zed

China will ban:

- Gragas (Scarra)

- Diana (Scarra)

Possibly: Vayne (Dlift), Rumble/Renek (Dyrus) or Caitlyn (Dlift)

EU vs KR:

EU will ban:

- Zed

- Thresh (probably if not first pick)

Possibly: Singed (Shy), Jayce, Twitch (Pray) or Orianna (Ambition)

KR will ban:

- Zed 

- Thresh (probably if not first pick)

Possibly: Lee Sin (Dprox), Elise (Dprox), Miss Fortune (Yellowpete) or Sona (Edward)

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Rulebladeraysawa Rulebladeraysawa 21 May 2013

Aatrox could be the most "overpowered-on-release" hero with just one change

Okay, so here is what i thought when i first saw him, even before his numbers:

"Damn, this guy will be (if no the best) one of the best 2v1 laners".

And it seems like Riot didn't disapoint me with his duel capability, sustain, damage, poke, waveclear, hard and soft CC... Damn, he has even steroids. Massive ones.

Check his numbers (still on PBE, subject to change) here : http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Aatrox.

So, let's get started with his passive. It seems pretty good to bait early tower dives (so common nowadays to take that early turret, specially in 1v2 lanes) and it doesn't seems like a healing effect, since it's saying he is extracting directly from an stable source, therefore no "surge power" (like Voli's passive or Soraka's heals…

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Rulebladeraysawa Rulebladeraysawa 29 August 2012

Why trinity force isnt "core" on GP

First, this is my first post on this wiki and, second, english isnt my native language (sorry for any grammar mistakes).

I saw someone saying Trinity Force is a MUST on GP. Its a good item for Parrrrley, right... So i started doing this item pretty must every game with GP, until i finally read what this thing really does and why isnt a core on GP.


I agree its a great item, but the passive isnt that useful. Your attacks shouldnt be that fast (depens on the way youre building, ofc), so, unless youre lucky, youll rarely proc that passive.

Lets talk about that Sheen enhanced passive. By level 18, without any runes/masteries (it wont matter btw, its his BASE damage), GP has 108 AD.

150% of 108 AD is 108 + 54 AD, resulting in 162 AD. Thats the…

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