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League of Legends Wiki

YourPrivateNightmare YourPrivateNightmare 6 November 2014

The Lightbringer

Huzzah, our new champ has been announced. As the infamous prophet "WhyRenektonWhy" fortold, her name is (or rather was, if you read her lore) and she's a spear throwing ADC, introducing a new mechanic called Soulbound.

This post, however, is not about her.

Now, as with any new champion there has been a lot of speculating going on. One post here on the wiki, I believe, mentioned RIot's recently released Pentakill album.

The album features songs named after in-game items: e.g.: Ohmwrecker, Orb of Winter, Thornmail, Deathfire Grasp and so on. However there was one song that kinda stood out from the others: LIGHTBRINGER.

Well, the title is nothing really outstanding there is an item called but it's not available on the main map, Summoner'S Rift.…

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YourPrivateNightmare YourPrivateNightmare 4 November 2014

Sejuani, the story, the problem, and the possible solution

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 The Problem
  • 3 The Actual Problem (I'm sorry, I'm thinking this post up as I'm writing, I barely have a concept)
  • 4 Sejuani's remaining kit
  • 5 Summary of abilities
  • 6 The Solution (finally)
  • 7 Conclusion

It's me again, with a sort-of-rant about one of my (past) favorite champions.

what?...do you seriously expect me to introduce her after it's already done in the title?

Anyways, was my first real favourite champion pre-rework, and I used to plasy her on a regular basis (pretty much Sejuani only, jungle or afk). And even tho I can't say that I was particularly good at her (as in, jungle rout planning, doing something othr than just QWER without an actual thought process) she was my favorite for a number of reasons. But let's not about the old t…

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YourPrivateNightmare YourPrivateNightmare 17 September 2014

LeBlanc: suggestions on how to fix her

Yeah yeah, it's me again.

This time:

Her history: She was considered useless once, then she got her ult reworked, suddenly became viable as a superior Lanebully and assassin because her silence let her kill anyone without any form of retaliation. Then her silence got removed, which pretty much solved her opness, while also starting the rise of midlane mages (which had been held back because of LeBlanc before). Now midlane = waveclear. LeBlanc doesn't have waveclear and now it's easy to kill her, especially since her whole burst is delayed by at least 1.5 seconds (E detonation). More than enough time to retaliate. Especially since now, that her silence is removed, it's easy to hit her during her classic Q+W (maybe + E) combo, since you'll kno…

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YourPrivateNightmare YourPrivateNightmare 13 September 2014

Thoughts on the new Cassiopeia

Ahoy, it's me again, this time talking about Valoran's most awesome (and only) Snakewoman, . Since I've been already spamming her page with semi-useful comments I decided to dedicate a whole blog post to her.

As a short introduction: I've always been a fan of Cassiopeia's design and her abilities (especially ) and I've always been trying to make her work for me...sadly i never made it...until now. When the Gameplay update was announced I was really happy, especially after i saw her passive and her updated E.

Now a short rundown on her new kit: Cassiopeia is supposed to be a strong late game carry now. Her passive makes her reach 1000+ Ap with standard Ap items only, which is insane. Given that her general playstyle aims towards low CD DPS it…

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YourPrivateNightmare YourPrivateNightmare 30 August 2014

Brace yourself/ A time to appreciate

Introduction: blablabla, Introduction over.

Straight to the point: As most of you have probably noticed, we've got a big Shurima related event coming our way. The Freljord event of this season.

So far we've been blessed with the PBE release of who apparently has a pretty large fanbase already. His playstyle seems to be pretty unique (aa based mage with a complicated kit that has to be amstered in order to be effective. This, of course, follows Riot's ambitions of creating as many new ingame mechnanics as possible...and so far they#ve been doing well with that (, )

Additionally, we're also getting a new Gamemode, taking place on the Crystal Scar: ASCENSION which I believe was probably a by-product of DOom Bots (or it's predecessor) since it f…

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